Forum Replies Created

  • Tom Jolin

    April 29, 2023 at 6:39 pm in reply to: Feedback on Christian Treasures


    -The blue “?” button shows you an available move when pressed. This is handled by a service worker and it might not be configured with the right path for the server I put this on. I will be posting this to GameJolt and I’ll make sure the worker is referenced in ‘parcel’ correctly.

    -As for charging money, I have no intension to do that at this stage with these games. The artwork provided is strickly for non-commerical usage and the artist an I would like to provide the games for free. Grace games for the Gospel of peace. However, runewable lives and awards for usage is ok. The leader board idea is awesome, I think I could probably host that on firebase for free.

    I look at implementing just about all you mentioned. Thanks again! Lot of good info.

    These are some areas of dev where I think I come up short and probably need help:

    – Colors / layouts & dialogs

    – I do not know how to create character animations. I can animate sprites, I just can’t create the artwork.

    – Story lines and progressive game play. So your tips should help.

    I will inquire about how to setup of the game page on this site. We have plans to make additional games, but they are backed up a bit due to time constraints. If anyone is interested in helping, I’d love to work with other people.

    Shooting Promises: Space Shooter Game where you shoot worry and fears with God’s promises

    Epistle: Psuedo 3d chariot racing game where you have to bring the letters to the early church. Based on an open source javascript project.

    Daily Grind: Pacman clone where you are chased by the enemy while collecting scripture as you progress through the books of the bible.

    Card Shark: Card games featuring biblical characters on the cards.

    Bible Quest: Fanasy game where you complete a quest by playing mini games: Word Search battle, character match, spiritual warefare (closing doors on the enemy, opening doors for blessing), slide puzzles, etc…

  • Tom Jolin

    April 29, 2023 at 12:41 pm in reply to: Feedback on Christian Treasures

    Thank you! I did not realize you had replied. Thank you for the amount of time you took to look at this! There is alot to unpack, so I’ll need to review more closely.

    I can answer a few of the points:

    1) Yes, working towards this. Load times from the site it is hosted on do impact the loader screens. The app loads some of the assets during the load screen, but after reaching the main menu it begins to fetch assets in the background and will not proceed to settings, the awards or the instruction screen until those additional assets are loaded. Moving the game to a GameJolt will probably improve load times, but I can also place a load screen between levels to break up the asset loading into segments. As for handling sprites and performance it seems like using several tweens with alpha changes in ‘phaser’ simultaneously may not work great in all scenarios. Working on improving this for several of my games is a priority.

    2) All of these are good points and I’ll look at making those changes. Thank you!

    3) Thanks!

    /* PAIN POINTS */

    – Some of the cards can only be achieved when the conditions are just right, or when something happens for the first time in the game. i.e. Playing on Easter…. , Completing the game with no lives lost

    – The grayed out cards should only appear for the artifacts for the first few levels because those are the pieces you are playing with from the get go, but you haven’t technically earned them yet. They should no longer be gray after they are unlocked, so that is probably a bug.

    – Idols:

    Will add instructions about them during the ‘How to Play’ section. Thanks!

    An idol should be destroyed if two crosses are swapped witth each other, If a cross is swapped with the idol, or if it is in line with a four of kind match column or row. So that is another bug if it isn’t destroyed in all those scenarios. I might have broken something in the last update.

    Good ideas on how to handle idols! Maybe not the the three of a kind idea removing them though – because they are bad. Perhaps if you happen to get three of a kind of an idol, you get something worse like a ‘strong hold’ piece.

    I’ll repond to the other section in a bit.

    Thank you for the review!
