The SAGE group is designed for developers, artists, musicians, writers, and others working on a game-related project they plan to share publicly when complete. To this end, each member will set goals at the beginning of the season and is expected to make progress steadily towards them between meetings. If you are a freelancer or employee at a game development company and don’t have your own project, your goals can be focused on how you can perform with excellence in the company’s project you are working on beyond meeting expectations. Also, each meeting SAGE group members will discuss a book or video from the curriculum that aims to help them grow as they progress in their game development journey, and so it is expected that each member has read or watched the homework so that they can discuss what they learned with the group.
However, is not important is where you are in the creative process, whether you’re ramping up to release, deep in production, still in pre-production putting the plan together, or starting from scratch, and it is not expected that you complete your project by the end of the year, just that you try to achieve the goals you set at the beginning of the year for the project. Also, previous game-related experience is not necessary.